BVRA is an organization dedicated to the enrichment of our community.

Over the past 40 years, the Buffalo Valley Recreation Authority has grown from solely management of the St. Mary’s park and pool to include premier gymnastic programs, Martial Arts, summer camps, community garden, tennis courts, skate park, ice rink, West field and pavilions, and nature trails. BVRA has something for everyone! Non-profit organizations such as BVRA are an essential part of vibrant community.  A community that plays together, stays together!

Many community pools have shut down in the last 20 years because they just don’t generate enough revenue to support themselves. We believe that the pool is a needed asset for the community, and we want to keep prices affordable for all to enjoy in the years to come.   Our park has aging playground equipment.  This centralized area within our community gets constant and hard use, but we like to see that. This means that kids and parents are outside, moving and playing and doing what kids and families should do.  Thanks to the cold weather in January and early February, the ice rink was a highlight of the winter season.  Hundreds of people enjoyed being outdoors, skating and playing hockey, and warming by the fire while sipping hot chocolate.  It is clear to us that an ice rink is valued within the community. Our goal is to someday afford coils to keep the ice frozen when temperatures rise above 32 degrees, and we could have the ice rink open for much of the winter.

We are asking for your heartfelt support to assist BVRA. Please consider donating to help continue providing recreation and facilities to our area. The community needs your support.  

There are several ways to donate:

  • Click the DONATE button on this post.
  • Online donations can be made via our website ( Just click the DONATE button and you will be prompted for additional information.
  • Call the BVRA office at 570-524-4774 or email 
  • Checks can be mailed to our office which is located at 815 Market Street, Suite 182 in Lewisburg, PA.